
Maintaining the order at the work place is a base element for any activity in any domain, it is very important for the success of a business, especially if we consider industries where the hygiene is indispensable (production/distribution/wholesale and retail sales of food and beverages, medical).

Logimarkt offers solutions for maintaining both orderliness and cleanliness, no matter the space.

Orderliness enjoys firstly the eye, gives a state of well-being, of safety, of situation being under control.

People tend to work in clean spaces, where they will feel good, adjust quickly, where they can perform and can make the most of the skills for which they were hired or which they wich to develor at the work place.

The activities are fluid, coherent, the amount of errors is low, the accidents are avoided, the rhythm brings satisfaction both to the workers and the companies, the waste of time with looking for tools or finding solutions for the spaces unproperly used (for waste, scraps or other materials) is eliminated, the packaging looks clean and also their service life increases due to the fact that they are better maintained, the hygiene can be easily maintained at the required level.

The orderliness of the working tools can be maintained using the automated storage systems, and for cleanliness, the waste presses and compactors or the industrial washing machines are the perfect equipment.

With their help, it is almost impossible for the workers not to be productive and motivated.

Having an up-to-date inventory of the working tools, the operators know in real time what is available, and the time lost otherwise with looking various instruments and tools, is eliminated. Even more that this, the supply for restocking can be done in the shortest time, and the responsibility increases due to this kind of monitoring.

By pressing and optimizing the waste volume, there is no need to allocate extra space for it, the cleaned areas can be used for other activities, the possible situations of hygienical hazard caused by molds, dust, pests (rats, mice, cockroaches) which can uncontrollably increase their number, are eliminated.

Another major advantage is the decrease of the costs assimilated to storing uncompacted waste in very large containers and their pick up by the specialized companies in this field.

Industrial washing of packaging ensures firstly a high level of hygiene (important for industry, food or medical), which cannot be reached with manual washing, the time for this activity segment is considerably reduced, the packaging have a pleasant aspect, the risk of contaminating the products with various residues which can remain after other washing methods (manual, home use equipment, etc.), is eliminated, the costs with acquisitions of new packaging are decreasing by increasing the service life of the packaging in use.

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