Pull-out units

When working in an industry where heavy, voluminous or fragile goods need to be stored on heavy-duty racks, you might meet several issues trying to remove those products stored in the rear part of the rack. This procedure can be done only with the help of special tools, such as an ant or a forklift truck. The workers have to go through this process everytime they need to get any item, even if a small box or small unit is required.

  • Efficient drawer racks for organized small parts inventory management

    Drawer racks

    When working with small parts that need to be stored perfectly so that they will not be suffering any damage, it is important for you to have the best solution to keep your items in a safe and practical storing space.

    We, at Logimarkt, value both your needs and your comfort while using our products. This is why we have came up with the compact pull-out racks for picking and storing, which are ideal for you regardless of the area that you activate in.

    The drawer racks that we provide are a great way to store small parts, KLTs, and other items. The 800 mm x 1.200 mm storage compartment enables for effective storage of EURO-Norm containers without wasting space.

    Moreover, the drawer rack may be easily transported by a hand pallet truck or with optional castors and, as another advantage of our product, it can be used at numerous locations within your organization without much effort due to its small dimensions and light weight.

    Another advantage of our compact pull-out racks for picking and storing consists of its compact size, as the drawer rack can also be integrated into an existing pallet rack.

    The compact pull-out racks that we have in stock for you come in two possible variants: with 70% or 100% extensible drawers and an 800 mm x 1,200 mm supporting surface, which can be used in a variety of ways for storing your goods.

    The load capacity of the drawer rack with 70% extension depth is 200 kg per drawer, and it can be extended either on one or both sides. The load capacity of the shelves with 100% extension is of 150 kg per drawer.

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  • Safe and ergonomic pallet sliders for seamless pallet access in warehouses

    Pallet Slider for floors

    Our professional floor pull-out units are ideal for you to use in the floor area of a heavy-duty rack. They are most suitable to be used in industries where heavy or voluminous equipment is required, for they are made to handle both.

    They are equipped with smooth-running, ball-bearing fixed rollers in the area where the two rear rollers run on the rails that are connected in the floor. This mechanism assures you that the pull-out and push-in processes will run smoothly, with no possible malfunction that can affect the working flow, the production or the shipping of your items.

    The rails are implemented as a safety measure and they guarantee a straight run of the floor pull-out unit and it is easily pulled out of the rack with the help of a pulling handle, available in different versions and lenghts.

    For the cases where you might have to work with heavy pallets, it is best to use the Easy-Action handle, that will considerably make the pull-out process much easier because of its leverage. You can also use a foot lock to make sure that the pull-out unit will not be able to change its position once you fixed it in place.

    When the floor pull-out units are retracted, they are automatically locked, so that they can’t roll into the aisle unintentionally, and thus significantly reducing the risk of accidents while working with our product.

    Logimarkt’s floor pull-out units are available with load capacities ranging from 800 kg to 1.500 kg. The pull-out depth is of around 85%. Loading can be done from either the stacker aisle or the picking aisle, depending on the model type.

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  • Beam-mounted pallet sliders for fast pallet handling

    Pallet Slider for beams

    Logimarkt’s pull-out units fixed on beams are designed to be placed on the crossbars of a pallet rack and secured with a fixing set to the pallet rack’s rear crossbar. As a result of this procedure, pallet extractions can be retrofitted into virtually any manufacturer’s racks at any time.

    What makes our pull-out units so special is the fact that, besides their practical and time-saving characteristics, new pallet racks are not required because our pallet extractions can be retrofitted into practically any manufacturer’s racks. Thus, it will not only help you save time and space, but also extra costs.

    Our pull-out devices come with load capacities ranging from 200 kg to 1.500 kg, and pull-out depths of 70% or 100%, depending on the model. Pallet pull-outs make order picking, assembly, and production more ergonomic, and have been used in tens of thousands of applications across a wide range of industries and sectors.

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  • The pallet pull-out unit is helpful for when you might want to easily remove goods from the rack, together with the pallet, and without needing a forklift. This is a safe and trouble-free procedure, which guarantees no damage done to your goods and no more time wasted on removing the needed items from heavy-duty racks.

    Our pull-out units have a lot of advantages for you, some of them being:

    • Time saver, because our unit is firmly integrated in the pallet rack
    • Cost saver, because forklifts are no longer needed
    • Space saver, due to the fact that your storage space will be better utilized
    • A significat ergonomic relief for your workers in the warehouses, because they will no longer have to remove the goods by force, thus their backs will be relieved

    The working mechanism of the pull-out rack is a simple and efficient one: the pallet pull-out needs to be placed on the crossbar of a pallet rack and, with the help of a fastening set, connected to the rack. After that, you will only have to pull it out whenever you need to take stored items and push it back into the rack after you are done. It’s a practical and safe process that guarantees perfect storage for your goods.

    The pallet pull-out can store loads between 200 kg and 1000 kg, depending on the most suitable model to have in your warehouse. The depths of the pull-out units are 70% or 100%.

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