AIO intralogistics transport systems

AIO intralogistics transport systems (All In One) are the ideal solution for the standardized products in the internal logistics. The system is 100% mechanical and uses natural inertia. There can be placed containers with 4 different dimensions: 1200×1000 mm, 1200×800 mm, 1000×600 mm and 800×600 mm. The AIO transport systems has a hook system or connector.


  • load capacity on the platform is 500 kg, and 3000 kg in tugger train system for electric tow tug tractors
  • maximum 6 platforms in one tugger train
  • AIO platforms allow non-sequential deliveries inside the factory
  • up to 6 km/ h on the straight sectors
  • due to rhomboidal traction system and AIO platform dimensions, this one is easy to handle and allows the smooth turning in small angles, this being essential where the rolling areas are narrow and have no possibility to be expanded
  • very easy but robust in the same time
  • the light weight helps to decrease the consume during the moving and the easy handle by the operator
  • easy maintenance with minimum costs, only periodic wheels change is necessary
  • the system’s symmetry eases the operator’s work when shifting the rolling direction, being required only the switch of the tow bar from one side to the other
  • the special design makes the connection of the platforms very simple
  • ergonomic height

Technical specifications

TypeAIO Platform
Overall dimensionsDuring workLengthmm2505
Technical parametersTrolley’s lift heightmm210
Turning radiusmm2500
Platform load capacitykg500
Tugger train max loadkg3000
Platform net weightkg210
Max height of containermm1000
Max number of platforms in one tugger trainpcs6
Suggested width of routesmm2000 (3 trolleys) / 2500 (6 trolleys)
Max speed on straight sectionskm/h10
Cooperating with containersDimensionsmm800 x 600
mm1000 x 600
mm1200 x 800
mm1200 x 1000
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